How to get to Kii-Katsuura Station by bus (boarding at 8:39)

You will need to change buses a total of 3 times (total payment is 1,660 yen).


1.    From [Koguchi (here)] to [Kanmaru (Transfer)] 100 JPY

Please go up the slope in front of you, turn right, and walk 50m until you find the bus stop on the right side.

Then get on the next bus;

Bus Route Number: 65

Start time:   8:39 a.m.

Attention! If you don't take the bus at this time, the bus won't leave until the evening.


2.    From [Kanmaru] to [Shingu Station (Transfer)] 930 JPY

You will arrive at Kanmaru bus stop around 8:51 a.m.

Upon arrival, let you move to the bus stop on the opposite side of the road.

Then get on the next bus;

      Bus Route Number: 53

     Start time:   9:03 a.m.

If you don't take the bus at this time, next time is 10:40 a.m. (No.51).

3.    From [Shingu Station] to [Kii-Katsuura Station] 630 JPY

You will arrive at Shingu Station around 9:37 a.m.

Then get on the next bus;

      Bus Route Number: 15

     Start time:  10:00 a.m.

You can ask for the location of the bus stop at the information desk in the station.

Then, you will arrive at Kii Katsuura Station around 10:48 a.m.

If you don't take the bus at this time, next time is 10:30 a.m. (No.25).


Additional Info:

You can also go by TRAIN from [Shingu Station] to [Kii-Katsuura Station] (or [Nachi Station]), but the transfer time is very severe, only 5 minutes…

If you miss the 9:42 a.m. train, the next train is at 11:44 a.m.



Have a good trip in Kumano, we hope!